Fedora is a disappointment from the start. I was typing something in text editor and the bluddy system lost my file - pathetic!
There is no way to minimise software from the desktop. Most of the apps do not have a minimise button.
No Minimise button in Firefox
No Minimise button text editor or any app
There is no way to hide all the files to just see the desktop. This is what you will get only when you click on 'activities' in the top left corner
After you press 'install snap' it goes down the page and you have to type some cryptic codes into a terminal
Installing is not so fast, takes quite a bit of time...
After going all through that, although opera is installed and is on the gnome menu, opera does not launch.
Fedora does not have any minimise or maximise button. To get those you have type: "sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool" - why ?!
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