OpenSuse Leap 15.0 KDE


This is OpenSuse Linux Leap 15.0 KDE

The problem with OpenSuse Linux is compressed files download as .bin or .deb files and
cannot be opened even in terminal.

Linux is a broken system - just does not work. Installing apps from website is so much headache.

Linux is old fashioned, rather than having executable software to install it calls installable  software binary packages ending with .deb or .bin extentions which cannot be opened. You need to use old fashioned command lines like from in the old DOS days from the 1980's and a high technical knowledge.

Even Rufus does not work on OpenSuse when you want to create another distro because OpenSuse is rubbish. Rufus won't run, you have to compile and build it first from a  flat-pack (a list of presented to you which makes no sense nor does it work) - rubbish! For people who just want to get on with their work, there's no time to tinker with flat packs. 

OpenSuse does not work out of the box! You have to tinker with it, play around with it, poke it around - the experience is horrible - a lot of things just don't work out of the box. Even software from websites do not install when you click on 'install on linux' button on the website. OpenSuse is so backwards from the 80s - there are files that even downloads in tarballs rather than .zip or .exe .

Is this some kind of someones college project that you pass around and try to fix and then goes online for free download and people play around with it?! I find it pathetic. Linux hardcore fans might think its efficient, and fast but usability is 5/10 because you can only browse the web, and watch videos. It says it has a software 'repository' but it doesn't even work. Can't even install a new browser unless you open up a 'terminal'. Unless you know all the commands and codes in your head like some genius you have to goto website and copy them in the terminal line-by-line and have linux execute the code. For people who want to get their work done this is so inefficient it just feels like a half-broken system. 

Can't even change themes to make boring, dull start menu and taskbar nicer!
